Imifanekiso Esheshayo futhi Elula Yothisha, Abafundi Nabazali
Imifanekiso Esheshayo futhi Elula Yothisha, Abafundi Nabazali
Yenza amaphosta esikole nawekilasi adonsa amehlo, amavidiyo nezithombe zezinkundla zokuxhumana
Make your school advertising stand out on social media
Connect with your community and keep everyone informed.
Choose from 57,410+ professional school templates. Easily resize for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more.
Publish everywhere from one place. No more app switching.
Write and customize captions for every platform with AI captions. Publish immediately or schedule for later.
Inspire your students with teaching resources
Enhance your lessons with engaging content.
Creating class content is a breeze. Choose from hundreds of fun educational templates for planners, report cards, worksheets, and more.
Tailor templates to fit your class needs. Make learning fun and effective.
Enjoy free downloads without worrying about budgets.
Stay organized and empower your students
Create and manage schedules for classes, events, and sports tournaments.
Edit school templates, choose different layouts, and change text styles, borders, or backgrounds.
Allow teachers and administrators to collaborate on schedule creation and updates in real-time.
Print schedules or share them as a web page with clickable links. Convey information clearly to students and parents.
Export schedules in various formats such as PDF, JPEG, or PNG to suit different needs.
How to make a school poster
Personalize it: change colors, edit text, or resize
Download, email, share as an interactive webpage, or publish directly on social media
Effortlessly promote your school with Premium
Effortlessly promote your school with Premium
Take your school’s marketing to the next level with PosterMyWall Premium. Pay once to unlock unlimited videos and images, upload your own fonts, schedule your social media posts and more.
I needed to make customized menus for an event and I was so glad I found postermywall. It was my first time using the website and it was so easy to use!
Dr. Quentin J. Lee
Principal, Childersburg High School
I have designed flyers for both educational and social events, and I created a video for my high school alumni association. I love the versatility of the software and ease of use.
I love how there is a template for creating awesome posters and anchor charts. My students and I love using the ready-to-use designs in our projects, to create pleasing graphics in minutes.
Give your creative students a blank canvas
Khuthaza Ukufunda Ngokubona Kubafundi
Create projects to organize designs created by students
Students not required to create an account
Students see only student appropriate content
Students' projects are never made public
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